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We Retire From The Clod Career Of Globe Trotting. At Present.

By Lucy.

Well, it happened back in nineteen thirty seven, a lot of things happened that year. But I must admit this didn't. Call me a liar if you like but I don't know how else to start stories.

Well, back in August 2018, I think it was August, a family of pedestrians, changed their identity, climbed into a vehicle, and drove away.

"Who, where, why, how?" (That's what you are thinking.)

Well, here's the tickler, it was us. We were going home, at least, to a different place then we were at present. The different place was Saskatchewan and the truck we climbed into was George. Just kidding, I made that part up.

At present we are situated in a house over there, somewhere near the end of Saskatchewan and the start of Alberta, near a creepy little town called Eastend.

(editors note, we own an acreage there.)

(Spoiler, I'm the editor, don't tell anyone.)


Now here we reside in utmost solitude in deep distress and, to quote a famous songwriter, who's name I don't know, "trapped like a duck in a pen."

How very profound. Just like a duck. Ta.

Speaking of ducks, today I was supposed to take my learner driver written test. We drove all the way to Craik, stayed the night, and what do you know the next day, at unearthly hours of the morning, as in seven, the guy that was important in the situation, whatever he was for, called in sick. So I couldn't. Some people are very bad at timing.

So now we proceed to sit in the lurch all day in utmost boredom in Guthrey's house eating sausage.

I was at a sort of dilemma, a minute ago, having nothing to write. I asked the advice of a person who will remain nameless aside from the fact it started with D ended with N and the midst of which was a yla.

However, his only suggestion was hefalumps, and that subject I am not entirely an expert on. Therefore I will end this blog post, adios fellas.


A muddy path I took on my pilgrimages, and froze my toes off.

(You can see them on the road if you look closely)

Quin. In case anyone was wondering...

My ferocious feline

My ferocious brother.

for those of you who knew him, this is Dwight's daughter. Jobie.

gregarious grimalkin

our cowboy/artist

Our driveway. WOOOW. ta.


On the city bus(just for fun) to Agribition.

Quins adorable little friend Huxley.

Mothers, always such kill joys jk.

Seriously! i didn't do it!!

Thats me.

OK I lied it's Sunday, man why can't I be that cool?

eww it's our house.

This is how we do dishes.


It's meeee!!

Little Miss Numbskull.


My heifer Gloria.

There is always that one sister....

Oh wait, thats me.

Dad's work.

Freezing for a picture at a corn maze with friends.

"Jude's" shop and cars.

My colourful cows.

My heifer, Jakob.

Umm, there is a lot of doubles... oh well.

The End


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