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Three Month Anniversary Of BC. By Lucy.

Since Sunday insists on me writing something on the Three Month Anniversary of coming to BC, I take up my pen, or, rather, put down my fingers, to write you a few lines addressing the subject of BC, and the disturbing fact that we have been here for three months.

Tragically enough, however, I just happened to read Abby's blog post, and, firmly realized, I have competition.

Well. We're still here. In BC, that is. When will we leave? Well. Since Jude is being rather manipulative, I think we could be going back for a while in February, for Jude's birthday.

I am listening to The Best Of Paganini, which is highly disturbing.

Well. Grief! Overbearing mournfulness! I should probably write something about BC, but what is there to write? You tell me! I'm listening to the best of Brahms!

Well, My cousin had a baby, and its name is Austin Jude. Cute huh.

Shall I expound upon my day? Today, was pretty much exactly like the rest of the days here, except for the fact that the sun was out.

I woke up to my door being pounded upon, and mom yelling something through it.

I turned over, and groaned a long pitiful groan, to make sure mom knew I was alive. Well, that wasn't good enough for her, she insisted upon my getting out of bed, and coming in for breakfast. I groaned some more.

After turning over and groaning for about ten minutes, I finally got out of bed and did the necessary duties of getting ready for the day.

Then, I went outside and blinked. Once. Twice, and three times, looking across over the melting snow and the mountains beyond which were covered in a menacing amount of sunlight. Only menacing, of course, to those half asleep.

I plodded down the icy path from the cabins, to the MP building, where we have our breakfast. I went inside, and blinked. Sunday and Mom were sitting at the table. That's pretty boring. Well, I wandered about the kitchen for a while, peering into the fridge at opportune moments, and opening cupboard doors when ever I felt the need.

Finally, I ate some breakfast, and by that time I was so awake, that I felt like going outside to sled down my personal icy cliff.

I grabbed a sled, and trotted out the door. (In actuality, I trotted out the door and then grabbed a sled, but does that really matter? No. It Doesn't.)

I capered out to my icy cliff, seated myself on the sled, and careened down it. I did this several times, and then, being thoroughly bored, I began walking about on the road, which really doesn't take much brain power, so, I again got bored.

I went to my cabin, and sat on the deck. I was sitting there, in the sun, enjoying myself, when I realized that a spider was doing the same. He looked at me, and I looked at him, and we did that for a while, until, I broke the silence, and said, "Spider." And the spider said, "My name is Len." and I said, "Len then!" And then said, "So, Len, as I was saying,"

and he said, "Uh huh." and I said, "You see that line on the sidewalk?" and he said, "I do indeed." And I said, "K, so lets have an agreement, You stay on that side, I'll stay on this side, okay?" And he said, "Sure."

So we returned to minding our own business. At least I did.

But when I looked back at where the spider was, he wasn't there, and upon scanning the surroundings earnestly, I realized, he must be underneath me. I leapt to my feet with a muffled gasp, and looked at the spot I was sitting. I was just in time to see the spider gallop frantically under the welcome mat, where he remained, laughing helplessly, for a long time.

Well, I wasn't going to stay there anymore and have that vile creature play more tricks on me, so, I went down to the dining hall thing, where Mom and Quin were sanding boards.

I sat there, for a while, and again got bored, left, and rambled about on the road some more, went sledding, went into the MP building and ate some lunch, repeat, repeat, repeat. Well, when Mom and Quin came into the MP room again, I manipulated Mom to do the password on the computer, and ever since I have been listening to classical music and chatting with such objects as Carolyn, about alligators and bananas, and I impersonated Jude on chat, which was a great success.

Well. There. Hope Sunday is satisfied.

"Ha!!!! I says I says...." ~Sunday

How do I retort to that? Well. She was almost satisfied. But she said i should write about the people here! Who, may I ask, cares a hoot about the people here?

Well. I don't know. All I know is, I'm listening to The Best of Debussy.

I'm gonna try and upload some pictures.

Mmkay, well. Theres some pictures. They are so mixed up, but I can't figure out how to move them.

Jacob and Nancy, on a random sleigh ride in Armstrong.

Mom and Dad at the same sort of sleigh ride thing in Armstrong.

Grant, the speaker at kids camp.

Sundays kids group.

Some kids sledding at the five day camp here at Morning Star Bible Camp.

One of the kids on my camp group thing whatever you call it. Silas. (He's hilarious)

The cabin leader people! Minus some. Sunday in the tube thing, and beside her Marissa, then in the back Cedric, Josh, Thomas, Mattie, Dallas, Josie, and Jaclyn.

Quin and his friend Izzy.

Putting a shower in the bathroom! Huzzah! (Featured here, Quin, Grant and Blair.)

Mom and Quin playing a game.

The skating rink. We were clearing it off, ya know, cause that's our job.

No comment.

Playing Mouse Trap with Jacob and Nancy. LOL.

Why do we need to pictures of this??

HEY! Theres me.

Playing Pickle Ball.

A kids group, out our window...

HEY! Theres me again. (And Quin, but thats a minor detail.)

Painting boards. UGH!

Our living room.....a minutes walk from our bedroom through the snow!

Rink. Again.

Quin and his friend Hugo.

HEY! there's me, sledding down my personal icy cliff! (It doesn't look like a cliff there, but oh well.)

Quin and Hugo again.


Some relatives. LOL.

Quin washing dishes.

There! Im Finished! (The End.)


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