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We Still Exist !! By Lucy.

By Lucy.

Am I correct in assuming that BC is just not quite as enthralling as it was the time you first heard it's name? I feel like I am.

You know what's really annoying? There's this little thingamabob in the corner of this page, that keeps on wiggling. It says, "Saving...saved in drafts....saving....saved in drafts." Over and over and over, when ever I press a single key.

K so, I should probably write something of general interest, like, donuts. I heard, that if you want to interest an audience, you must talk about something they are interested in.

I have little doubts that all my audience, (the whole gaggle of them,) are at least mostly interested in donuts.

However! I am not an expert on donuts, therefor, I am falling asleep.

Ok so im gonna upload some pictures. (I say that, like, EVERY TIME!!!!)

My calendar. If it's too blurry to read, I'm going to laugh so hard cause you'll get annoyed because, like, there's probably really interesting stuff on my calendar. Probably.

'Hanging out' with Thomas Peters, Kaleb Bryant, and Mattie Peters.

Kaleb, "I will not be pictured!" And Mattie trying to hide...but not really succeeding...why didn't she think to put her arms down? HAHAHAHAHA.

My room as seen on Saturday morning. (Minus me in bed.)

Isn't this so picturesque? (Wow I spelled that right on the first try!) Though it wouldn't be picturesque if you just happened to know there was like, a bunch of houses right under that ledge. Yucky!!

This bird house is so photogenic...

This is a random picture?

My attempts at cropping the city out of my pictures.....

Little adorable!!! I forget what I named it...

Theres a sidewalk right after the first snow bank.

Okay that was arbitrary.

Okay why did I put this picture on?

My breakfast...egg noodles, carrots, peppers, and soft tack. (Crumbly hard tack...eggs and flour...desperate times require desperate measures...)


Sunday says: "Chirp. Said the bird." Hmmm

The gym.

Check out that cool hat! (It cost us a fortune, now we're in debt.)

The snowball Jude and Guthrey built when they were here...then and now...^

Kid blowing up tons of balloons. I still think its just wrong to blow up so many balloons at once.

So the other day, i forget which one, Sunday packed her bags, leapt onto a random airplane, and flew away. Since the plane was the one headed to SK, I suppose she's there.

Sunday getting ready to go. (Mom looks SO pleased.)

Why is this picture sideways? That's really annoying. Boy, this is going to keep me up at night for sure. Anyhow that's us in the truck at the airport. Way to go us.

Selfie thing.

Quin is über pleased with the motorbike Sunday gave him as an early birthday present before going to SK.

This picture is NOT supposed to be here.

The lovely paper frog. (Eyes added by Mattie.)

John and Sharon Stutters, a couple from our church.

The girl I drew took a selfie. Hmm.

This is definitely out of place.

Kaleb Bryant drawing an elephant...

Sunday giving Quin his motorbike.

At the airport.

I drew this guy. He has a bad haircut. I had to cut it cause there was no room for his eye...


Family selfie at the airport. I feel like our family is greatly diminished....

The beautiful Porsche at the airport. It was just sitting there, I don't know why. They started it up. It sounded lovely. But, then again, I don't like cars. Too bad.

Watching the airplanes.

Quin was SO happy about the monster truck I gave him.

Notice, the man in the truck, his name is Dustin. (Just so you know.)

He appreciated these too. The alligator's name is Cordelia, and the spider's name is Len, after Quaker's cousin the rebel.

HEH HEH HEH. She's totally going to murder me when she finds out I put this on the blog. HEH HEH HEH.

Quin tears his attention away from the monster truck long enough to let mom read him a birthday card.

Birthday kid. (Notice all other presents have been dropped and he is putting together the monster truck....heh. (Cordelia and Len are still in the bag, unnoticed.)

Mom and Lori Soucy cleaning the kitchen. (I helped, too, jsyk.)

This is the quirkiest cake I've ever come across.....

Quin playing with lego. And my head. (I have a head, actually, just it doesn't make its way onto social media very often, so i thought id make mention of it so you don't just think its a cardboard box or something.)

Okay, so i had an ingenious idea. After the bottoms of my boots fell off, i used scotch tape, and made flip flops. Clever....

Quin at the beach, while we were touring.

LOOK!!!!! gold. heh.

I wrote a verse in the sand.

He thinks he's so cool, lol!

A cliff.

Some rocks posing for a picture.

At a scary bridge that felt like it would fall through any second.

Missus Duck.

Mister Duck.

Why is this picture here???

Pigeon. She came when i called her!!....and then quin scared her away...

Lonely pigeon.

The End.


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