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Day 8 and 9

Well nothing very much happened today, so mostly I will write about yesterday. 

  So yesterday! In the morning, we all piled in the two vans, and headed to Bocawina national park to go zip lining and see some waterfalls!

  It was a 9 zip line course, and a lot of fun, and apparently they go about 40-55 km depending how heavy the person. We had four guides whose names I forget except Milton and Sandy(who is not a girl btw). Anyways it was quite a thrill! Then we ate lunch and went to see a waterfall. We got eaten alive by multitudes of sand flies, so we went back to our beach house and relaxed.

  And today, as I said, was not as eventful. This morning we went to a gift shop and bought some stuff. There were some awesome barefoot sandals and a Pancho that I really wanted, but rather made the wallet cringe. We also went to this little shack called Kats Coffee, which was very good! Then we swam most of the afternoon. 

  Later on, my uncle Dave caught a nice fish that was apparently a protected species. And then! The lady that owns this beachhouse said we could stay the weekend for free! Pretty cool. 

There were a bunch of kids riding double like this, home from school. 

We were allowed to pick as many coconuts as we wanted! 


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