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'Tis the Season

It's that time of year again! As in, the end of it, which means Christmas!

This year has gone by so fast, I haven't really given Christmas much thought. It just kinda came and now it's gone. We did a lot of fun things though!

Gatherings, of course, came around, then Christmas parties! Those are always a lot of fun. We did some cookie decorating as well, and like every year, there were gifts that went around. It's been a good month!

Here's us making cookies. Wow do I know how to make a mess!

Making gingerbread houses with the cuzzes

and playing games.

A lovely candle-lit Christmas eve pizza dinner ;P

Christmas party with the Teichribs! Such fun people.


and another one

Poutine and a milkshake at Sigs

Us kids... we were decorating the tree.

Merry Christmas 2017 from the Thiessens!



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