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Creation Camp 2017

Another Creation camp has come and gone.... of course this one was the best ever, like every other year. There was lots of visiting, boating, some card games, and a small quantity of Bump(approx. 4 people played for 10 mins).

We dearly missed some essential regulars who didn't attend this year! However, being a smaller group, I think everyone was able to get to know each other to a greater extent. A few new families came and we clicked with them right aways. There was around 80 people, but the costs were covered so all was good.

As for the weather, it started off cooler and the rest of the week was scorching hot with temperatures 30 and over! No one died. Though some of us got a little dehydrated...

All in all, it was well worth the year long wait ;) Pictures just won't do justice. We all had a blast!


A delightful pastime that gets more and more appealing the older us kids get and the warmer the sun is. Everyone spent many hours chit chatting, meeting new friends and teasing old friends.

Sitting and visiting in the shade was an ideal occupation for +30 weather

This is only a portion of the younger kids. They were a lovely and entertaining bunch of chums.

Mr. Buhler had great shirts

Some of the more adventuresome individuals took a hike with Mr. Fast in +36! Thankfully everyone survived

Our dearest Fortiers were able to make it for part of one day!


There were, some games!


....and Dutch Blitz

Volleyball was played but Nukem was slightly more popular as the evening entertainment.

Brynnday, rocking his shades

For the most part the lake was too soupy for swimming so the little kids splashed in kiddy pools

The annual scrabble game

I think the younger children had quite lot more games and activities planned for themselves than the teens did. They had all kinds of things going all the time!

Boating! Ralayna rescued Lotan in the paddle boat. Two very able bodied seamen!

And, naturally, pole climbing

Kitchen fun:

There was never a shortage of hands ready to help with clean up in the kitchen! Chores are so much more delightful when you're with your friends :)

Mrs. Fisher's amazing cinnamon buns! Had to include that to make you all jealous ;) And of course the were loads of doughnuts!!

Everyone adores Mr. and Mrs. Fisher

The amazing woman and her fine helpers!

Musical Delights:

There was plenty on music to go around, whether it was just hanging out and jamming, singing together, or doing a special number on stage.

Rachel did "Blessed Be Your Name" in sign language! She is fluent in American sign language and it is so cool to watch her do it with everyone singing along.

Tabitha Buhler, accompanied by her mother, playing the offertory. She's quite talented on the violin and also has a very beautiful voice.

Some visiting ladies did a nice number for us

Jake, Janet, and Amanda Bueckert sung a beautiful song, "Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer". I loved it!

The men's choir always performs wonderfully


Roger Oakland!

I believe it is safe to say that the majority of us enjoyed having him as our main speaker this year. His main focus was, of course, Creation science, but because of his extensive knowledge of all the worlds different religious developments and affairs, he is able to point out the connections between the theory of evolution and Satan's ploy to deceive everyone into distrusting God's word as the final authority.

Mr. Oakland also gave a presentation on the Bryce Homes on the last day

We were also blessed to have John and Irene Plantz come to camp from Manitoba again this year!

Mr. Plantz taught two different afternoon sessions on supporting Creation from the whole Bible and not just from the book of Genesis. We also thoroughly enjoyed their performances and had a great time jamming with Mr. Plantz!

Bernie Brandt, doing some studying

Lorin Elias and his son checking out Mr. Miller's wide assortment of Creation Science resources. (the Elias's are a great family, we liked them)

Friends, Friends and More Friends:

And again, pictures just won't suffice to show what a great time we had with our friends!

Rachel and Shayna

Tabitha and her little brother who was the birthday boy that day!!

Allison, Lucy, and everyones favourite little buddy Shem :)

Zeke... and the back of Brynn's head. Nice one Brynn

Allison, Lucy and I being cool in Brynn's shades

Aaron and Benjamin

Lucy and Allison... again, on 'Braid Day'

Jocelyn, and I'm afraid I don't know her friend's name!(face palm) She's a cute little Elias kid though

Jaela and Dinah

Chelsea and Sydney

Sydney doing Chelsea's hair

Allison also got her lovely hair done in a five strand braid!

Claire, Serena and Chloe

Zeke, Jude, Brynn, Guthrey, and Cade

Brynn, Cade, Chavanna, Torrey, and Shannon

Serena The Awesome, me, Chelsea, Shantorah, Jaela, Abi, Sydney, and Ocean.

Note; the new Bleacher-Bench. Camp managers, Chris and Monique Strachan, along with their big homeschool family, have been making lots of neat upgrades to the camp.

Ira and Velma Hebner on their anniversary!

Allison, Lucy, Ralayna and me

Ralayna and I after we almost drowned in the lake. We almost died a couple times! (joking)

And... the lovely little group! Minus the Vanderstoels, who had to leave this very day, half the Peirce family, and Mr. Bueckert, who was napping.

Little Buddies:

Most everyone had a little buddy for camp. I had one, but Serena stole her from me...

Serena and my little buddy Shantorah

Serena and her little buddies

Zeke doing the duty of big brother while being very cool

Lotan and Avrum

Allison and her buddy Shem

Sydney the baby thief ;) and little Chavanna

Chloe loves babies too

I mean, who wouldn't hang out with these cuties all week??

Shantorah and Florence

Cute right??

Little Chavanna. Sooo precious!!

This guy.... no words to describe him. All I can say is I might steal him next time

Chavanna again

Shem!!!! Such a barrel of laughs that guy!

Avrum :)

Beautiful little Ocean

Many thanks:

To Lucy and Mrs. Bueckert for pictures!!!!

Lucy, always poised and ready to take a flattering(or maybe not) picture of you

Many thanks also goes to the Miller family!!!! They do such a great job keeping everything together

Keith, the president of CSSI

I'd like to say that's it...... but I'm afraid I'm probably missing some more pictures. I uploaded over 70! Goodness eh? Well, I hope you all get the picture, Creation camp was a riot!


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