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After A Really Long While.

It's been a bit of a while since I wrote anything on here, so I thought I would update all of you people you ever care to read this blog.

Since me and Caleb went to see the Hamms in Sask, we've been up to quite a bit. One thing I did forget to mention was, before Winter happened.

To sum it up real quick, we went to Kentucky and saw the Ark, the Creation Museum, went to the Noah Conference, and met a whole bunch of great people; that was definitely a highlight of the year; and then Steve and Bek got married, and we had our first annual Haskett Field Day and then the year-end Accel vacation! That's basically it for the events before Winter happened.

Now, the events after we visited the Hamms: I was sick for most of Jan, Feb and a bit of March, so not much happened then. Mercer and I started on a script, and then got Caleb Mogilevsky and Celeste involved, and now we have a finished script, crew and cast and we plan to make a film at the end of this month called Destiny of the Artist, inspired by Lucy. Stay tuned.

In March, I volunteered as an ambassador at the MACHs (Manitoba Association of Christian Homeschools) conference. It was worth my while! I love going to homeschool conferences, and volunteering is even better! I met a lot of great peoples there, as well as saw great peoples that I already knew. It was an overall wonderful experience, and I intend to do it again next year.

Another exciting happening, is Steve and Bek are going to be parents!!! The first baby in my generational circle of friends. Also, I am writing a series of books about a character that I discovered I had made up some years ago, and found out he's a really awesome guy, but anyway, don't expect anything from me, including them being finished, at least not anytime soon.

Here are some MACHs conference pictures.

These boys are really working up a sweat.

Alumni panel, question and answer time. From left to right, Mercer, Daniel, Jodi (not my sister) and Kyla.

Here, us girls are getting educated on how to make sure people are registered, and how to give them name tags.

The main speaker, Heidi St. John. She really gets into what she's saying.

All the homeschool graduates.

The teens speaker, Daniel Craig, who was also one of the speakers at the Noah conference in Kentucky when we were there.

Here are a few props for the movie coming soon.

This is Chapin's (main character) painting, as well as the strange looking man up there^

This one is Dwight's painting v You'll find out who he is.


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